Thinking through a decision
Decisions paralyze people in two ways. Either you don’t know what the right decision is, or you know what to do but just haven’t done it. In this article, we’ll look at the first part: how to think through a decision using a simple, 6-step process.
Side note: simple, not always easy. If you get hung up on any of these steps, book a free call today – I’m all about helping people get unstuck!
1. Start with what you know – list out the facts of the situation.
2. Write down the decision you’re trying to make. Keep it to one sentence and be as specific as you can!
3. Make simplifying assumptions. For example: maybe some people finish that master’s degree in a year, but is that realistic for you with a full-time job and two kids? Take some time on this step and do some research if you need.
4. What do you value most in life? Make a prioritized list (3-5 things). Some ideas: time with family, work you’re passionate about, making a lot of money, a flexible schedule, mastering a skill, your friend group, traveling, etc.
5. Put it all together! Layer the facts (step 1) and assumptions (step 3) on top of your values (step 4), and you should start getting some clarity. The outside perspective of a coach is invaluable here – knowing the right questions to ask makes all the difference!
6. Last step: check your intuition. Your “gut feeling” and the answer you came up with should be aligned. That said, you might still be anxious about actually taking the first step – that’s completely normal! On the other hand, if the decision you came up with goes against your values or violates your assumptions, circle back through those steps to make sure you captured everything accurately.
That’s it! Getting to this point of deciding what you should do is a huge victory – take some time to enjoy that feeling! Next, we’ll look at part two: taking action.